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Meet Anisa Tan,

Holistic Healing Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Born in South Africa and raised in Australia. She is currently based in Hong Kong, offering her healing services online. 

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality."

Albert Einstein

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Embark on a gentle holistic healing journey. Reconnect with true yourself and experience sustainable, permanent change. 

It's lovely to connect with your beautiful soul and I trust that you will find something valuable or insightful on my page. If something resonates, I would love to hear about it, feel free to connect with me on facebook or instagram where I post daily videos and case studies. 


  I believe that life was created to be magical, that we have the energy to accomplish all our mind and heart desires. 

After going through very tough life lessons, I ended up being emotionally, physically and mentally imbalanced. I started to manifest illnesses which the Doctors could not help me with, because they could not pin point what was happening in my body. 

I realised there was a call to seek out more alternative methods and look at my body from an emotional and energetic view.


This was the beginning of a very powerful healing journey for me where I healed my body through my energy and emotions, I experienced immense levels of freedom and bliss, which led me on a path to becoming a Holistic Healing Practitioner and helping hundreds of people do the same. 


"Our belief systems holds our blueprints and we are the master builders of our life. Choosing to expand positivity or negativity is a choice."

It is always a humble honour to remind every person who works with me, that their true innate nature is limitless when they are pursuing their soul purpose and learning the lessons they came here to experience.

Some of the most common reasons people seek holistic healing is:

- chronic fatigue or physical problems

- chronic pain

- insomnia or disturbed sleep

- anxiety

- depression

- relationship difficulties

- narcissistic relationships (romantic or family)

- infertility

- substance dependency

- feeling lost/soul disconnection

- lack of direction or soul purpose

Through guided discovery, we can release all thoughts and behaviours which do not serve your highest purpose. 


The subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives, so, if you want to achieve anything, remember, your conscious mind is the goal setter and the subconscious mind is the goal getter. Everything in your physical reality is first created in spirit. So going to the root cause of all creations and releasing those patterns, is key to sustainable change. 


My amazing soul clients experience exponential results in such a short time because we work with the most powerful part of them which is their spirit and subconscious mind. Many clients feel like they can surrender to the flow of life and this feeling gives them great emotional freedom.

Using the best modalities such as Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy, Past Life Regression and Intuition, I go beyond the surface problem. I safely guide you  to the root cause and then clear this blocked energy.  Energy blockages can be disconnected from any time period of your life, so that you can re-align with your highest timelines.

Everything is energy and most of us have distorted energy systems from unresolved past issues which create negative projections onto the future. This is why we feel drained!

Get your life back, get your energy back and start manifesting what you truly desire. 

I'm looking forward to meeting you. Reach out on whatsapp: +852 5337 7640

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